Laura Ortman

The Work

Premiere: September 20, 2024

Tucson Symphony Orchestra

Unsurrenderable Glisten of the Ices, Part II

Laura Ortman is creating work that layers violin with feedback loops. A loop pedal, or looper pedal, is an electronic device that creates instant recordings of musical performances and plays those recordings back in real time. This allows musicians to overdub themselves to create a vast, polyphonic soundscape based on their own performances in the room. She is also exploring ways for the orchestra to function as a loop pedal through the construction of her work.

In this video clip on Instagram, the orchestra is reading specific cells for improvisation, directed through a modified process of conduction pioneered by Butch Morris. Engineer Levy Lorenzo is capturing live audio and manipulating the sound to emulate gestural elements of Laura’s foot pedal rig. The goal for this first round of experimentation was to build a flexible orchestral palette for Laura’s symphonic commission.

Recent Work

Lead support for EarShot CoLABoratory is generously provided by TD Charitable Foundation, Altman Foundation, Jerome Foundation, The New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowships, and the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation. The commission of Unsurrendable Glisten of the Ices, Part II by Laura Ortman is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


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