Edmar Castañeda

The Work

Premiere: March 6, 2025

Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall

Title of work TBD

Upon arriving in the United States in 1994, Colombian-born Edmar Castañeda has made a name for himself as the preeminent jazz harp virtuoso. Castañeda brings forth a brilliance that beautifully merges the jazz tradition with a diverse set of styles and genres while bringing unbridled attention to a somewhat unfamiliar instrument: the harp. Single handedly, Castañeda has cemented the harp’s place in jazz with innovative technique and heartfelt creativity from a wealth of formidable collaborations with music titans such as Sting, Béla Fleck, John Scofield, Ricki Lee Jones, Hiromi, John Patitucci, Pedrito Martínez, Marcus Miller, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Ivan Lins, The Yellowjackets, Paco De Lucía, and Paquito D’Rivera. He was recently nominated for a Latin Grammy in the category “Best Latin Jazz Album” with his album Family.

Recent Work

Lead support for EarShot CoLABoratory is generously provided by TD Charitable Foundation, Altman Foundation, Jerome Foundation, The New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowships, and the Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation.


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