July 26, 2010
5 min read

Let's hear from the JCOI participants...

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The Jazz Composers Orchestra Institute has come to an end, and we are glad that everyone had a great time! It definitely gave many an opportunity to explore new jazz ideas, learn from the resident mentors, and also enjoy the two concerts by Wet Ink and the ACO. Thanks to all who contributed in their very own way to make this institute possible!

During the Institute, we chatted with some of the participants during their lunch and dinner breaks to find out how they're doing at the institute...

The youngest composer participant at the JCOI, 17-year-old Phillip Golub, who studies in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA.

One of the three female composer participants at the JCOI, Nicole Mitchell, from Chicago.

Composer participant Juan Zhou, from China, shares with us her experience at the JCOI.

That's all for now, stay tuned for more webcam interviews from the institute!

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