Howard Mandel on his Involvement in Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra: Jazz Composers Orchestra Institute

Feedback SessionSpending two days in Buffalo with five jazz composers and their mentors preparing scores for readings by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra has been an education. The fine-grained detailed critiques of written parts offered to Gregg August, Anita Brown, Joel Harrison, Ole Mathisen and Dave Wilson by the symphony players, conductor Matt Kraemer, and senior composers Anthony Davis, Nicole Mitchell and James Newton -- which had to be corrected in the scores overnight -- seem daunting, even for me, used to processing multiple iterations of articles quickly from manuscript to publication in magazines. The depth of listening of everyone is impressive.

Matthew Kraemer and BPO
This afternoon NewMusicBox Frank J. Oteri and I are to address the composers and most likely students from U of Buffalo's music program about career development issues, especially pertaining to press relations and media usage. What can we say? That composers like everyone else in the arts has to now be their own publicist and promotions/marketing director, on top of everything else? Well yes, and that's no longer news. But what else? I'm thinking about it while observing all the interactions. Right now I'm saved from having to answer. The Buffalo Philharmonc Orchestra is just about to perform.