coLABoratory: Lab 3 - Judith Sainte Croix: After the Lab

George Manahan & Judith Sainte CroixAt the second reading of Vision V we added the electric guitar, played by Oren Fader. In the sonic drama of the piece this sound represents a contemporary “everyperson” ranging from mild distortion in the lead guitar effect, moments of shimmering introspection in the planger effect and insight expressed by harmonics with echo, delay and reverb.
Andrew Bolotowsky played the Native American Abenaki flute, the sound of which suggests something in the inner life.

Andrew Bolotowsky
The orchestra worked with synthesizer sounds and poetic images of light creating sonic images which will be integrated into the score for the next reading.
We tried running our first set of digital images as the orchestra read through the piece. We are developing digital images for each of the sections.
I. Toward Liberation
II. SunShadow -. Inner Space