coLABoratory: Lab 1 - Judith Sainte Croix: Before the Lab

At this first reading of “Vision V” which I’m writing for the April 5th concert of American Composers Orchestra and the Sonora Trio we will explore balance, timbral meeting points and contrasts between the music of the orchestral musicians and that of the Sonora Trio.
The Sonora Trio is Andrew Bolotowsky on Native American Abenaki flute, the music of which explores ancient wisdom pointing toward essential radiance; Oren Fader on electric guitar whose music divulges the experience of the contemporary individual; and my synthesizer music seeking to capture an animating life force. The orchestral music forms alliances within and across instrumental family groups articulating the behavior of the fabric of humanity as the composition unrolls its aural story.

In this reading the synth sounds will be prerecorded to free up my participation.
Claudia Miranda will be present to photograph the musicians for her digital imagery projections which serve as a metaphors for the energy bodies of the musicians in the process of performing music.