November 15, 2012
5 min read

coLABoratory: Lab 1 - Judith Sainte Croix: After the Lab

I was encouraged by the response of orchestral musicians to the invitation to create timbrel variations on given pitches based on synth sounds. As per Derek's suggestion in the next workshop I willexpand on thisexploratory process.

Some of the revelations that were especially great for me were...

Gail, countrabass,sharedher favorite sound in relation to the synth sound as bowing the tail piece and also placingthat sound with thelow brass in theorchestration of the opening chord.

Lanny and Sarah, cellists, felt good about the pulsations in one of the synth sounds and liked the addition of bow pulsationsto their string section chordal progression.

Eva, 1st violinist,suggested adding trills and an octave displacement inresponse tothe synth sounds.

Veronica, violist,suggested adding ponti cello to thethe viola section bar 1- 18.

I am going to make use of Morton Subotnick's suggestionto workout a way of making these variations through the string section leaders to facilitate the rehearsal process.

Wayne DuMaine, trumpetcame up witha trumpet sound that featured 6 tones at once inside an opening chord as per the synth sound and Kyle Turner, tuba immediately suggested dropping hispart an octave.

I found it generally hard to hearAndrew Bolotowsky's Native American flute and will putit in front of the orchestra in the next rehearsal and make sure he has a microphone from the beginning of the rehearsal, as well as open up the orchestration surrounding various phrases that he plays.

We got wonderful photos of the musicians playing their instruments and henceinspiration for how the digital images will be created that will backdrop the orchestra during the performance.

Next workshop we will shoot with a flash during set up to avoid flashes during rehearsals. Thanks to all!

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