The New Virtuoso: For Art's Sake

10.29.2025 7:30 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2025 at 7:30 PM

American Composers Orchestra

Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall | New York City, NY

Link TBA

The New Virtuoso: For Art’s Sake features works that utilize newly created instruments and sonic media to explore symphonic texture. Spanning the use of sculptures that move and sonically react to their environments; graphic scores; gestural conduction; a survey of contemporary techniques for traditional instruments; the fashioning of instruments based on composers’ unique cultural backgrounds, these artists’ sense of design propels them into new compositional spaces.

Lucy Gibbon, Soprano

Mélisse Brunet, Conductor

Daniel Rozin, Responsive Sculptures

The New Virtuoso: For Art's Sake

RAVEN CHACON, Inscription (NY Premiere, ACO Co-commission, developed via EarShot CoLABoratory)

TAMAR MUSKAL, Square Off for Voice and Mirror with Responsive Sculptures (World Premiere, ACO Commission)
ELIJAH DANIEL SMITH, Horizon of Closure (World Premiere, ACO Commission)

MAZZ SWIFT, Memory FIVE: Freedom Initiate (ACO Commission, developed via EarShot CoLABoratory, World Premiere)

AARON ISRAEL LEVIN, Multiverse verse chorus bridge verse chorus chorus (ACO Commission, World Premiere)