Reflected in Glass - Phillip Glass and the Next Generation (2017-2018)

Dear Friends,Welcome to American Composer Orchestra’s first concert of the 2017-2018 season at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall. ACO had an exciting kick-off to its season with a gala 40th Birthday concert last month celebrating the music of American composers past and the present, and now we are honored to be the first event in Carnegie Hall’s focus on this season’s Richard and Barbara Debs Composer’s Chair, Phillip Glass. He is one of our most iconic and cherished artistic voices, and ACO is proud to be able to count him among one of our long-time board members.Here is one of our favorite quotes by Philip (from his fascinating book Words Without Music): “For me music has always been about lineage. The past is reinvented and becomes the future. But the lineage is everything.” He has influenced a generation of emerging American composers including the two on our program tonight and with the idea of “response” connecting them further: Philip’s to Vivaldi, Bryce’s to Lutoslawski, and Pauchi’s to Philip. Lineage is everything, indeed.Tonight’s program includes a discussion at which Philip and Pauchi will discuss their working and creative relationship. ACO would like to thank the Rolex Institute and the Rolex Mentor Protégé Program for their support of Phillip’s and Pauchi’s work on this program.Phillip is an inspiration to us with the range of his artistic collaborations. Before multi-disciplinary was such a buzzword, he worked side-by-side with pioneering artists including director Robert Wilson, choreographer Twyla Tharp, poet Allen Ginsberg, and filmmaker Martin Scorsese. As ACO sets its sights on the next 40 years, our goal is to weave contemporary American orchestral music into fascinating and illuminating collaborations, exemplified by the ground-breaking path Philip has shown us.Artistic institutions should follow their artists, their imagination, and their vision. Having the word “composer” in our name is very deliberate and meaningful, for if we follow them, they will lead us, and our audiences, into the future.Have a great evening and thank you again for joining us!