Fort Wayne Philharmonic Earshot New Music Readings (2018)

2.6.2018 5:00 PM

Join the Fort Wayne Philharmonic as it teams up with three living composers at a free general-admission performance. Hear exciting new pieces being workshopped at the Philharmonic by the nation's brightest and most talented emerging composers in the early stages of promising careers: The participants and their compositions are Nathan Kelly ("Redwood"), Ms. Sohwa Lee ("Palindrome"), and Robert Rankin ("Nijinsky Dances").EarShot is a nationwide network of new music readings and composer-development programs. It is the nation’s first ongoing, systematic program for identifying emerging orchestral composers; it provides professional-level working experience with orchestras from every region of the country and increases awareness of these composers and access to their music throughout the industry.The performance will be the culmination of four days of workshops and rehearsals. It will be professionally recorded and each composer will be given a high-quality audio recording to be used for archival, study and portfolio purposes.No ticket is required for admission to the performance.This event is a partnership of the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, American Composers Orchestra, League of American Orchestras, American Composers Forum, and New Music USA.