Dreamscapes (2017-2018)

Dear Friends,Welcome to American Composer Orchestra’s final concert of the 2017-2018 season at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall. ACO has enjoyed a whirlwind of a season, celebrating our 40th birthday with a gala concert featuring music of American composers past and present; hosting the kickoff event in Carnegie Hall’s focus on this season’s Richard and Barbara Debs Composer’s Chair (and ACO board member) Phillip Glass; and along with the PROTOTYPE Festival, co-presenting the NY Premiere of Greg Spears’ acclaimed opera Fellow Travelers.Tonight’s program, “Dreamscapes”, occurs at a milestone in American history. Fifty years ago this past Wednesday—April 4, 1968—Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis. In the spirit of what Dr. King described as the “fierce urgency of now,” ACO presents five works written by living composers, each of whom uses music to contemplate an aspect of our shared humanity. Despite the setbacks and angst of our era, we at ACO hope that the spirit of the world Dr. King imagined in his speech is embodied in this concert, and that through creativity we might indeed strive toward “a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.”One of America’s preeminent contemporary composers, T.J. Anderson, celebrates his 90th birthday this year. We are proud to present NY premiere of Bahia Bahia, a joyous work inspired by journeys to Salvador and dedicated to two Brazilian composer colleagues. Traveling in the other direction—from Rio to Chicago—composer, pianist, and singer Clarice Assad weaves a different kind of expedition, through the volatile and peaceful vagaries of sleep. We are thrilled to feature internationally acclaimed violinist Elena Urioste as the soloist in the NY premiere of Assad’s mesmerizing concerto Dreamscapes.We’ll also hear three world premieres by composers whose background in jazz has led them to collaborate with artists and ensembles from multiple genres. Hitomi Oba’s September Coming—a direct result of her participation in ACO’s Jazz Composers Orchestra Institute—incorporates aspects of her own improvisational language, informed by ethnomusicological research. Steve Lehman’s Ten Threshold Studies explores both perceptual and physical boundaries, filtered through the medium of symphonic forces. And Ethan Iverson’s brash sense of humor melds with a deft technique in a stylistic homage: Concerto to Scale, with the composer himself as the intrepid piano soloist.As ACO sets its sights on the next 40 years, our goal is to highlight the breadth and diversity of American symphonic creativity. Society should follow its artists: their imagination, and their vision. The word “composer” in our name is deliberate and meaningful. They are our guiding star.Have a great evening, and thank you again for joining us!Derek BermelArtistic Director