We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

By Joseph C. Phillips, Jr.

The Great Silence and Stealing Away are the first two movements in a new four movement composition, We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident, by composer Joseph C Phillips Jr. The composition is the first in a series of orchestral, choral, and chamber works which, while tied to the various themes of his eight-opera 1619 cycle, will also represent distinct, independent addendums and companions to the operas. The composition, commissioned by and for the American Composers Orchestra, highlights the physical, spiritual, intellectual, and imaginative ideas of freedom for Black Americans and how the desire of ‘what could be’ is actualized as resistance to the strictures of Black life within the country’s systemic inequalities and inequities.

The Great Silence, the first movement, reflects the physical aspect of freedom. It is inspired by Black-owned leisure spaces of the late 19th century through the 1970s, and how Black Americans would gather within nature to “not only be healed of the detrimental effects of city life” but “would also experience a soothing balm for the wounds of life under segregation” (Andrew W Kahrl, “AHistory of African Americans on the Water and by the Shore: Whitewashed and Recovered”).

Stealing Away, the second movement, is inspired by spiritual aspects of freedom, and those places internal and external where one goes to understand the larger world and themselves in it. During slavery, Blacks would gather among themselves, in clandestine meetings and hush arbors, to regain a measure of the autonomy, freedom, and humanity denied them in their daily existence—where people could sustain faith in a better life in freedom “when there’s nothing in the world that would allow or encourage you to think that it is reasonable or possible?” (Elias Rodriques, “How SaidiyaHartman Changed the Study of Black Life”). Today, organized religion offers the most convenient way to express those spiritual urges; Stealing Away, however, will also reflect secular formulations of hope, whether through neighborhood, political, or social organizations


To develop the piece and create a companion film, composer Joseph C. Phillips, Jr. is looking for community submissions. Material will considered for use in a companion film, that would run in the background concurrently during the premiere performance of The Great Silence and Stealing Away in Spring 2026.

For The Great Silence, he invites you to share:
Stories, anecdotes, remembrances about various get away places/cities/resorts you and/or family visited; or places within your community (parks/neighborhoods/yard/porch that provided a relaxing respite away from normal day-to-day life
Photographs and/or film/video of those above spots/places
Memorabilia (posters/postcards/flyers/maps etc.) from those spots/places

For Stealing Away, he invites you to share responses to any of the following prompts:
• Where do you go to recharge your faith/belief/hope? What does this community mean to you? What activities do you engage in to reflect those values of faith/belief/hope?
• What visions for the future do you hold (whether personal or for larger community/world)?
• Remembrances about various spiritual activities growing up (religious or non-religious)

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American Composers Orchestra and composer Joseph C. Philips, Jr. welcomes you to share your thoughts, images, and more in reaction to the prompts above.