A Heretic’s Prayer

Michael R. Dudley Jr.
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8 minutes
Year Written:
String orchestra
Peter Askim
ACO Event:
EarShot: The Next Festival of Emerging Artists Choreography Workshop
Purchase & Rental Information:
A Heretic’s Prayer
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From the composer: This piece serves as a statement on the power of emotion as a motivator for change. Every time I read the news, I find myself getting angry as well as a sense of melancholy for the current state of world affairs. I feel I am far from alone in feeling as though more must be done, right now, in service to the Earth and climate. This “prayer” serves to remind the listener that it is okay to feel anger and sadness, and that these feelings on their own are not good or bad; it is how and why we respond to them that could make a positive impact on the world. If anger is what drives us to righteous action in service to others, then anger is what we must feel and understand. If sadness is what brings us to connect with others, then sadness is what we must feel and understand. We cannot be afraid of what our feelings tell us; my feelings tell me that our existence depends on our ability to emotionally evolve and contend with what feelings we may fear the most as individuals, loneliness and insignificance in the face of existential threat.

Educational module

Centering on the “call and response” figure that is central to both religious traditions and Black American musical traditions, this module will provide a context for students to create their own musical forms and responses. Through aleatoric motifs, students explore time, form, and structure alongside intervallic and harmonic materials found in jazz and other Black American musical traditions, to culturally ground students in Michael R. Dudley, Jr.’s piece.

From the composer: [This] module will feature exercises that thematize the juxtapositions of community and individuality by working with consonance and dissonance in a way similar to the commissioned work… helping to acquaint and reinforce culturally grounded, boundary-defiant concepts related to voice leading, aural skills, and harmony.

Arrangement for youth orchestra (ant. July 2024)

A Heretic's Prayer will be arranged youth orchestra in addition to the professional version of the piece and accompanying educational module.

Level/instrumentation: Intermediate to advanced, string orchestra

A Heretic's Prayer is published by American Composers Orchestra via EarShot: Advancing Equity through Publishing & Repertoire Development, made possible through support from the Sphinx Organization.

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